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177.15 billion data points sent to StatHat in the past week

Including stats from okcupid, Iron.io, carbonmade, Soundslice, timehop, Bluecore, and Panic

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All of this with one line of code.

Ruby StatHat::API.ez_post_count("messages sent - female to male", "info@stathat.com", 1)
Python stathat.ez_post_count('info@stathat.com', 'messages sent - female to male', 1)
Go stathat.PostEZCount("messages sent - female to male", "info@stathat.com", 1)
JavaScript _StatHat.push(['_trackCount', 'STATKEY', 1]);
Node.js stathat.trackEZCount("info@stathat.com", "messages sent - female to male", 1)
HTML <img src="http://api.stathat.com/c?ukey=USERKEY&key=STATKEY&count=1"/>
iOS [StatHat postEZStat:@"messages sent - female to male" withCount:1.0 forUser:@"info@stathat.com"];
PHP stathat_ez_count('info@stathat.com', 'messages sent - female to male', 1);
Java StatHat.ezPostCount("info@stathat.com", "messages sent - female to male", 1.0);
curl curl -d "stat=msg f to m&ezkey=info@stathat.com&count=1" http://api.stathat.com/ez
wget wget --post-data "stat=msg f to m&ezkey=info@sh.com&count=1" http://api.stathat.com/ez
Lisp (stathat-ez-count "info@stathat.com" "messages sent - female to male" 1)
C# StatHat.Post.EzCounter("info@stathat.com", "messages sent - female to male", 1);
Perl stathat_ez_count("info@stathat.com", "messages sent - female to male", 1);
Lua stathat.ez_count("info@stathat.com", "messages sent - female to male", 1)
Erlang stathat.ez_count("info@stathat.com", "messages sent - female to male", 1).

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