Some of our users have written great code to help them use StatHat:


stathatd is a small daemon for reporting to StatHat. It listens on a TCP port, reads a single line from each connecting client, and increments a StatHat counter named by that line.

Written by Andrew Gerrand

A (better) python API wrapper for StatHat, powered by Requests.

Written by kennethreitz


A simple multithreaded async wrapper around Kenneth Reitz's

Written by j4mie


An EventMachine-compatible async wrapper for the stathat api.

Written by ajsharp

StatHat UDP Server/Client

A simple Perl UDP server to receive and submit StatHat events

Written by petethered

Rails Logfile Parser

Parses a Rails log file and sends metrics to StatHat.

Written by nono

Ruby library using faraday

Written by romanbsd

Tell us about your code

Have you written some code you want to share? Please contact us and we'll link to it ASAP. Thanks!

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